Welcome to the Culver Family Farm website. Culver Family Farm is a family operated business. The Culver Family is made up of Scott, Teresa, Ashley, and Tory. On September 19th 2015 Ashley became Mrs. Arron Roles. Arron has become apart of the family and even has his own herd of goats and natural colored other sheep. Can't forget about our farm help Andrew Davis. Some might even call him the bottle baby whisperer. We raise registered Romney sheep, both Natural Colored and White. We also raise registered Boer Goats. The Romney breed has been in our family for three generations. Morris Culver, Ashley's grandfather, founded and established the Natural Colored Romneys. The first purebred natural colored Romneys were registered by the Association in 1972 by Morris Culver. The Boer goats are a huge part of the Family Farm now and recently have become heavily involved with establishing a high quality herd that shows and sells all over the nation. Culver Family Farm has strived to develop a high quality Boer goat by carefully selecting sound, high quality does and combining those with an amazing buck. We have built our herd by closely following the Boer goat breed standards. We are proud members of the American Boer Goat Association and US Boer Goat Association. You can find us and our Boer goats at many of the sanctioned Boer goat shows across the Pacific Northwest.